day I turned 6, my parents surprised me with a birthday party revolving around
our 1967 Volkswagen Beetle convertible. The year was 1968. When my playmates
arrived for the party, all dressed up, my mother ushered us down to our cellar.
We had no idea what was up. She led us across the floor. Then, with a flourish,
she pulled open the door to our one-car garage and announced: "Look! The
Love Bug is here!" Our Beetle had been tarted up to look like Herbie, star
of the hit Disney film with Dean Jones. As we kids piled into the car, I heard
a scream. My friend Anna Marie cried out, "Wow!" Her eyes filled with
tears of delight. The back seat was crammed with candy, from hanging lollipops
to bags of SweetTarts. "It really IS the Love Bug," Anna Marie said.
We devoured the treats as my dad drove us to the theater in the next town to
see the film. It wasn't too hard for us to imagine we were riding in Herbie,
the world's cutest car. And at that moment, I also knew I had the world's
grooviest parents.
--Tamara S., Rye,
New York.